Power ~ Presence ~ Possibility

Wild Grace

Wild Grace


Karin Pedersen

My Story

I grew up training at a very young age with Tage Pedersen, my father, who was a healer & trainer of the US Olympic ski team.

I watched him transform people through movement. I knew that learning how to move was a key to extraordinary aliveness, presence, and a certain kind of beauty.

When I studied Aikido With Tom Crum, in my birthplace Aspen Colorado, I learned the power of centering, grace, and relaxation. This changed my life. I later studied Karate and sword-work with Sensei Aaron.

I have also been a lifelong dancer, gymnast, and skier. I have learned we are designed to be magnificent, graceful, powerful, & beautiful creatures.

I would like to thank Paul & Patty Richards for the energetic training of profound presence & grace that I have received over the last 20 years.

My studies & training have become Wild Grace Energetics.

This work affects every aspect of life; our emotions, our disposition in the world, and our inner heart radiance that touches all things.

Women are a force of nature.

Come experience your full blossom of feminine essence.

The Power of Feminine Presence is your birthright.

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One-On-One & Group Coaching

These sessions focus on discovering what is stopping you in your life. I support people to discover those limiting beliefs that keep women small. Once those have been healed, life opens up.

Weekend Training facilitation

Wild Grace offers 2 to 5 -day trainings. These trainings can give you a good basis to rediscover your life force and your shiny awesome self.

Keynote Speaker & Retreats

Karin, is a keynote speaker, regarding centering, creating a safe space for women to feel and become their beautiful greatness.

Weekly Classes & In Depth Trainings

Karin teaches The Dance of the Deep Feminine 2 to 3 sessions a week. These classes teach feminine radiance, aliveness and discovering your own unique power. This class deepens your womb, heart and brain connection.

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"Brilliant! Karin Pedersen’s program is beyond amazing - she creates a space to move from lack of energy and confidence, from incapability and stuckness to authentic feminine strength, knowing and aliveness.

She is a transformational leader with extensive physical fitness, martial arts, bodywork and dance training who coaches top athletes.

Karin’s intuitive body-mind integration program is for you if you have been playing small, feeling insecure or inadequate, and if you want to experience life-affirming presence and uplevel your game."

Much love 💕

Tanya PHD

One day with Karin changed my life. I found a deep resonance with the way she holds space and brings women together. The practices we got to learn were so profound, many realizations through the beautiful reflections of others. The practices we learned dropped me right into my body and allowed me the opportunity to feel myself in a whole new way.

Wild Grace and the Power of Feminine Presence is a way of life and I know I have just barely scratched the surface. An excitement for life has burst within me for this work and I am grateful to Karin for this opportunity to live my life in a more full way.

I would recommend her to any women looking to awaken to a deeper relationship to themselves and the world.


Karin paid exquisite, constant, patient and profound attention to me; she did whatever it took to catalyze my transformation into a woman versed and embodied in wild feminine beauty. She taught me that such beauty is an equal opportunity river in the universe. Beauty favors no one; it is accessible to us all if we can make ourselves available it.

Karin teaches us to make ourselves available to beauty.

Karin is a force who gently, patiently, and unrelentingly elicits our raw beauty, wild feminine, and deepest essence. There is no one else who can do what she does.

- Julia Papps

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What you will learn:


You will learn how to physically & energetically center yourself.

Centering is true embodiment.

Centering affects every aspect of your life. Centering is the secret to being calm under pressure, staying clearheaded, and have more energy and strength in your life.

Woman hands touching her body close up, Embodiment, Feldenkrais Method and Awareness through movement


Have you ever felt that there is an aspect of your feminine expression that lies dormant?

Or do you feel trapped or small? Not enough or invisible?


Enliven your Beautiful presence through practices and awareness training. You and your life are a work of art and a force of nature.

Discover your Noble Awesome, Shiny self with no apologies.


We cannot discover ourselves by ourselves.

We need a safe container of other women to witness our growth and greatness without jealosy.

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Aikido & Karate


Centering & Sword Work


Somatic center, Heart and brain connection

Energetic Awareness

Training & Practice

The Power of Voice

Discovery & Training

Ancient Tantric Dance

Fluid Feminine Embodiment

awakening beauty and grace

Feminine Leadership

Training & Skills

What is possible?

Inner peace and chakra. Yoga and meditation concept.

Get in touch for a free discovery session.

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Get in touch

Ashland, Oregon

Call: +541-840-0096

Email: profoundmotion@me.com

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